Sunday, February 16, 2020

What Effects Has Social Networking Had on Our Society Term Paper

What Effects Has Social Networking Had on Our Society - Term Paper Example A man has always been a social animal and the oldest example for man to have company and live with someone goes back to the creation of Adam and Eve. This was the first example that man could not exist alone and needs some sort of recognition and contact with peers and members of his group. Although the concept of social networking is commonly understood by millions we will briefly discuss it as a refresher. â€Å"Social networking is the grouping of individuals into specific groups, like small rural communities or a neighborhood subdivision, if you will This is a very general definition but covers the main idea of this term. Around us, we find many groups and different social activities that take place in form of college students, co-workers, friends, and even our families. These groups are also segregated by age and interests like sports or gaming etc. In recent years the internet has brought people from different walks of life together so that they can discuss and share their views and emotions on all kind of subject areas like professional alliances, gardening, golfing and  developing friendships. As the recent concept of ‘online social networking’, the commonly used medium is websites. They are also known as â€Å"social sites†. They mainly function as a community of people who use the internet. Although they share topics and provide online interactions among st people of different ages they do have some issues and threats associated with them. One of the most common threats of these networking sites is theft of data and the viruses that may be spread through their usage. The most prevalent danger though often involves online predators or individuals who claim to be someone that they are not. Nonetheless, people have various options and controls through which they can keep themselves safe from these threats. It has become such a common practice that someone who may not have an account on such a social network site is considered an ‘outcast’ of sorts.  Ã‚  

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Urban Studies and Planning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Urban Studies and Planning - Essay Example All these careers are exciting and personally fulfilling in the sense that they are well paying, challenging, and they give one an opportunity to grow. The urge of using my skills to establish a community where people can live and start families makes a career as an urban planner to be my first priority. I understand that a college degree in addition to extensive training is a requirement for a successful entry into this field of work. To qualify as an urban planner, one needs to take classes on environmental studies so as to understand the interactions between people and the natural environment as well as the dynamics of the environment. Moreover, a person needs to take classes on economics so as to comprehend how the markets operate, particularly, what makes a successful regional economy and business. Additionally, one needs to take classes in art and design so as to prepare oneself to think creatively about visual appearances. The prospect of getting employed as an urban planner is also high. First, there are many institutions, both public and private that hire urban planners. With a degree in urban planning together with the required experience, I can be hired by local/regional governments, private planning firms, and private property owners to facilitate the planning of commercial and communal developments, as well as transportation systems and public facilities (Bayer, Frank, & Valerius, 2009). Secondly, urba n planning is a growing field of employment. As Bayer, Frank & Valerius (2009) put it, the roles of urban planners remain in high demand, and is expected to grow significantly by 2014. For example, the U.S News and Urban Report rated urban and regional planner among the best careers in 2009 (U.S News, 2009). Additionally, the Bureau of Labor Statistics projects a 15% growth in planning jobs between 2006 and 2016. The salary and benefits of regional and urban planners is very attractive. The Bureau of Labor Statistics indicates that the median yearly pay for urban and regional planners was $63,040 in May 2010 (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2013). Based on the fact that the planning industry has experienced growth in the past years, the prospect of career development is also looking good. This growth is stimulated by environmental concerns and population growth being experienced. Other than becoming an urban planner, I would prefer to become an architect. Since my childhood, I have alwa ys been fascinated with the science and art of building and construction. The prospect of becoming a renowned architect is exciting and interesting because this career path will enable me to design an entire built environment- from how a building associates with its surrounding environment, to construction or architectural details that entails its interior and designing and making furniture to be used inside it. Looking at this career path from a different perspective, I established that architecture is poetic in the manner that it presents itself. It is complex in the questions and issues it gives rise to. Contrary to popular belief that architecture is static, I have established that architecture is detailed and analytical. These qualities make this career path not only attractive, but also fulfilling. A career in architecture is interesting and exciting due to its longevity nature. As compared to most professions, architects can practice their